First News post yeyy-
Anyway allow me to introduce myself further than just mah bio.
The name's DynoMike03, I have multiple hand-made comic-series in the making, ranging from chaotic with no plot in mind to some actually serious-ish stuff.
I use(d) scratch to learn to code, animate, and so on, and now I'm chillin' over here.
I like this site's mascot much better and I personally find the "Ugh" song to be hilarious for some reason.
But yeah, I'm planning on making a game sometime based off one of my comics' series, titled "ShadeBinder", featuring my character, mah boi, Orion (aka Mike), learning to wild the power of the darkness, in the form of Stasis. It's heavily based off the game Destiny 2, but it has some original twists and some comedy here and there, as all things could use.
I'll post it here (if) when I complete it!
I use Scratch, Turbowarp, Wick, and Beepbox mainly for the content I'll be throwing in here, but who knows what I might do (evil laughter initiate)
Oh, and Gamer? "Ray"?
Stay based my friends.